


2013年10月20日星期日在化院三楼会议室(2-301)举行海洋化学研讨会,来自美国弗罗里达大学的Thomas Bianchi教授、美国麻州大学Mark Altabet教授、德国国家莱伯尼茨热带海洋生态中心的Tim Jennerjahn博士、美国北卡莱罗纳州大学Jaye Cable教授及我校“筑峰”特聘王旭晨教授与赵美训教授将为大家做报告。欢迎老师和同学们参加!

08:30-09:10 Prof. Thomas Bianchi: Hypoxia on the Louisiana Shelf: A Tale of Muddy Waters and Politics

09:10-09:50 Prof. Mark Altabet: The future of using autonomous platforms for open ocean biogeochemical studies

10:10-10:50 Prof. Jaye Cable: Quantifying Nitrogen Fluxes to a Coastal Lagoon from the Subterranean Estuary: Comparing Aquifer-Derived Flow and Bioirrigation Effects

10:50-11:50 Dr. Tim Jennerjahn: Human interventions affecting carbon and nutrient cycling in rivers, mangroves and lagoons of Indonesia

14:30-15:00 王旭晨教授: Radiocarbon studies of organic matter in the ocean

15:00-15:30 赵美训教授: Wide occurrence of anammox activities and nitrogen cycle implications in the Changjiang and Zhujiang river estuaries and the East China Sea shelf