


由王旭晨老师和赵美训老师作为召集人,基金委“海洋有机生物地球化学”创新研究群体、“海洋化学”创新引智基地、海化教育部重点实验室共同资助的International Workshop on Radiocarbon Study and Applications in Oceanography将于5月29日在中国海洋大学化学化工学院三楼学术报告厅举办。会议邀请了来自美国加州大学的Ellen Druffel教授、纽约州立大学石溪分校的Cindy Lee教授、韩国首尔大学的Jeomshik Hwang教授、北京大学周力平教授、厦门大学王新红教授等前来围绕放射性碳同位素在海洋学中的研究与应用这一主题作报告并讨论未来发展趋势。

时 间:2014年5月29日(星期四) 全天

地 点:化院综合楼三楼学术报告厅(2-308)

8:30-9:15  Prof. Ellen Druffel: The Cycling of Dissolved Organic Carbon and Black Carbon in the Ocean: A Radiocarbon Perspective

9:15-10:00 Prof. Cindy Lee: Encapsulated Organic Matter: an isotopic treasure chest?

10:15-11:00 Prof. Jeomshik Hwang: Radiocarbon of sinking POC and their implications in the ocean

11:00-11:40 Prof. Liping Zhou: Radiocarbon in dissolved inorganic carbon from northern South China Sea

14:00-14:45 Prof. Xuchen Wang: Flux and sources of carbon transported by the two major Chinese rivers: The Yellow River and Changjiang River

15:45-15:30 Shuqin Tao: The composition, isotopic characteristics and sources of organic matter in the Yellow River suspended particulates and adjacent Bohai and Yellow Sea surface sediments

15:30-16:15 Prof. Xinhong Wang: Compound-specific radiocarbon analysis (CSRA) to study the source apportionment and transportation of marine organic pollutants
