








Email: feng.shao@ouc.edu.cn

Office Tel/Fax: 0532–66786050

ORCID: 0000-0001-8606-8628

Group link: https://www.x-mol.com/groups/fengshao 



2020.07–至今:中国海洋大学 (OUC) 副教授

2018.03–2020.03:加拿大 不列颠哥伦比亚大学 (UBC) 博士后

2015.07–2015.12:美国 密歇根大学 (UMich) 访问学者



2013.09–2017.12:法国 巴黎萨克雷大学 (UPSac) (原 巴黎南大学UPSud) 博士

2010.09–2013.07:厦门大学 (XMU) 硕士

2005.09–2009.07:安徽大学 (AHU) 学士



1) 单分子磁体的设计合成、构筑与性质调控

2) 双稳态分子磁性的化学与物理调控

3) 多功能金属冠醚的设计合成与构筑、光磁效应研究及其生物应用


4) 金属团簇化学(合成、结构、组装机理及磁光电性能)

5) 配位化学及晶体工程(晶体结构可控合成及相关性质)

6) X-射线单晶结构解析(单晶化合物结构解析及阐述)

7) 有机光电及其高分子(光电行为及其自组装)



1) 欢迎对科研具有浓厚兴趣的本科生加入课题组,协助研究生从事科研工作,或者申请SRDP (本科生研究发展计划)、国家大学生创新等项目独立承担课题。感兴趣的同学请将科研兴趣或创新性项目发送至feng.shao@ouc.edu.cn

2) 欢迎具有化学、材料科学等相关研究背景的同学加入课题组。感兴趣的同学请发送个人简历及未来科研兴趣至feng.shao@ouc.edu.cn



主持中国海洋大学青年英才工程项目 30万元

参与欧盟玛丽·居里 金属冠醚项目 (19.4万欧元, PIRSES-GA-2013-611488)



1) 加拿大国家晶体学会 拉里·卡尔弗特奖 (2019 加拿大 温哥华)

2) 第15届国际分子基磁体会议 (ICMM2016) 最佳学生海报奖 (2016 日本 仙台) 

3) 巴黎萨克雷大学 化学系第二届博士生论坛 最佳海报奖 (2016 法国 巴黎)

4) 欧盟 玛丽·居里奖学金 – 国际研究员交换项目 (2015 法国 巴黎)

5) 厦门大学 固体表面物理化学国家重点实验室 优秀研究生 (2012 福建 厦门)


科研论文 (按年份倒序排列):

1.F. Shao, Y.-H. Wang, E. R. Sauvé, C. M. Tonge, Z. M. Hudson,* Self-assembly behaviour of luminescent triblock bottlebrush copolymers in solution. Polym. Chem. 2020, 11, 1062-1071.

2.F. Shao,* B. Cahier, Y.-T. Wang, F.-L. Yang, E. Rivière, R. Guillot, N. Guihéry, J.-P. Tong* and T. Mallah,* Magnetic relaxation studies in trigonal bipyramidal cobalt(II) complexes. Chem. Asian J.2020, 15, 391-397.

3.J.-J. Yin, T.-Q. Lu, C. Chen, G.-L. Zhuang, J. Zheng, X.-Y. Zheng* and F. Shao,* Magnetocaloric Effect and Slow Magnetic Relaxation on 2D Layered 3d-4f Cluster-based Metal-Organic Frameworks. Cryst. Growth Des.2020, 20, 4015-4012.

4.J.-J. Yin, C. Chen, G.-L. Zhuang, J. Zheng, X.-Y. Zheng* and F. Shao,* Syntheses, Structures and Magnetic Properties of Novel Chain-like Ln2Mn2 and Ring-like Ln4Mn4 Clusters. New J. Chem.2020, 44, 9837-9843.

5.X.-F. Jiang, M.-G. Chen, J.-P. Tong and F. Shao,*A mononuclear dysprosium(III) single-molecule magnet with a non-planar metallacrown. New. J. Chem. 2019, 43, 8704-8710.

6.Y-H. Wang, F. Shao, E. R. Sauvé, C. M. Tonge, Z. M. Hudson,* Self-assembly of giant bottlebrush block copolymer surfactants from luminescent organic electronic materials. Soft Matter, 2019, 15, 5421-5430.

7.F. Shao, J.-J. Zhuang, M.-G. Chen, N. Wang, H.-Y. Shi, J.-P. Tong,* J. Tao and L.-S. Zheng, Facile and environmentally friendly synthesis of six heterometallic dumbbell-shaped MII5LnIII4 (M = Co, Ni; Ln = Eu, Gd, Dy) clusters as cryogenic magnetic coolants and molecular magnets.Dalton Trans. 2018, 47,16850-16854.

8.F. Shao,J.-J. Zhuang, G. Luo, K. Zhang, C.-J. Li, H.-F. Zhu and J.-P. Tong,* A three-dimensional metal-organic framework displaying guest-dependent spin-crossover behaviour. Key Eng. Mater., 2018, Vol. 779, pp. 110-114.

9.F. Shao, B. Cahier, E. Rivière, R. Guillot, N. Guihéry,* V. E. Campbell* and T. Mallah,* Structural dependence of the Ising-type magnetic anisotropy and of the relaxation time in mononuclear trigonal bipyramidal Co(II) single molecule magnets, Inorg. Chem., 2017, 56, 1104-1111.

10.F. El-Khatib, B. Cahier, F. Shao, M. López-Jordà, R. Guillot, E. Rivière, H. Hafez, Z. Saad, J.-J. Girerd, N. Guihéry* and T. Mallah,* Design and magnetic properties of a mononuclear Co(II) single molecule magnet and its antiferromagnetically coupled binuclear derivative. Inorg. Chem. 2017, 56, 4601-4608.

11.F.-L. Yang,* F. Shao,G.-Z. Zhu, Y.-H. Shi, F. Gao* and X.-L. Li, Structures and magnetostructural correlation analyses for two novel hexanuclear complexes based on a pentadentate Schiff base ligand. Chem. Sel. 2017, 2, 110-117.

12.J.-P. Tong,* F. Shao,M.-G. Chen, Y.-N. Tong, J.-J. Zhuang, X.-J. Xu, J. Tao, and L.-S. Zheng, Syntheses, structures and magnetic properties of two Dy6 clusters based on polydentate ligands with a new topological motif. Inorg. Chem. Comm., 2016, 74, 93–97.

13.F. Shao, B. Cahier, N. Guihéry, E. Rivière, R. Guillot, A.-L. Barra, Y.-H. Lan, W. Wernsdorfer, V. E. Campbell* and T. Mallah,* Tuning the Ising-type anisotropy in trigonal bipyramidal Co(II) complexes. Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 16475-16478.

14.F. Shao, J. Li, J.-P. Tong, J. Zhang, M.-G. Chen, Z.-P. Zheng,* J. Tao,* R.-B. Huang, L.-S. Zheng, A boracite metal–organic framework displaying selective gas sorption and guest-dependent spin-crossover behaviour. Chem. Commun., 2013, 49, 10730-10732.

15.J.-P. Tong, F. Shao,J. Tao,* R.-B. Huang, L-S. Zheng, Microwave-assisted synthesis of a ferrimagnetic dodecanuclear iron(III) complex with a Fe4(OH)4 cubane core. Inorg. Chem., 2011, 50, 2067-2069.